Bailey&Mackey壓力開關,Bailey Mackey膜片開關
Bailey & Mackey is a well-established family owned business which is proud to have established a worldwide reputation for providing a high quality products which are reliable in service. We have been
品牌介紹: CYDESA was founded in 1976 by engineers and, 40 years later, it is still managed by people with a high technical profile, seeking excellence in our products for all international markets. No one
With innovative and market-attractive products, Domel enables the development and growth of the company and ensures work in the broader environment, thereby satisfying the interests of the owners. The
公司簡介: ABM Greiffenberger z?hlt zu den international führenden Systemanbietern anspruchsvoller, leistungsf?higer Antriebsl?sungen für Maschinen, Anlagen und mobile Ger?te. Als innovativer Partner der h
公司名: 上海安木**貿易有限公司
聯系人: 桂璐璐
電 話: 021-36213669
手 機: 18149732099
微 信: 18149732099
地 址: 上海寶山顧村月羅公路2255號博濟美蘭湖工業園17棟218室
郵 編:
FRAKO LKT11.7-400-DL 400V 11.7kvar 補償電容 盒裝
FRAKO弗朗克電容器LKT15-440-DPS K18-0616 15kvar 440V 50Hz 3x82.2uF
FRAKO電容LKT25-440-DP K18-0619 25kvar 440V 50Hz 3*137uF弗朗克
FRAKO圓柱形電容器LKT30-440-DP K18-0618 30.3kvar 440V 3x165.8uF
FRAKO電容器LKT18-480-DP K18-0632 18kvar 480V 50Hz 21.7A 3x82.9uF
FRAKO補償電容LKT15.5-480-DP K18-0714 15.5kvar 480V 50Hz
FRAKO低壓電容器LKT33.3-480-DP K18-0605 33.3kvar 480V 3x153.4uF
FRAKO電力電容器LKT15-525-DP K18-0629 15kvar 525V 50Hz 3x57.7uF
公司名: 上海安木**貿易有限公司
聯系人: 桂璐璐
手 機: 18149732099
電 話: 021-36213669
地 址: 上海寶山顧村月羅公路2255號博濟美蘭湖工業園17棟218室
郵 編: